Full Circle


My last week of drinking was during the U.S. presidential election (beginning of November). I coped with the anxiety, hope, desperation, fear and excitement with alcohol. When Biden/Harris won, I knew that was a perfect time for me to take a long break from alcohol. My family life couldn't be better, and I had a new sense of hope and faith in my country. I knew that there were much better days ahead. 

With our favorite news channel on all day yesterday, it was like teleporting back to election week. Except, instead of feeling all of the intense feelings and celebrating with alcohol, I drank my usual haul of sparkling water, cried SO many happy tears, went for a long walk on a natural high, and ended the night with a bubble bath. With the exception of my wedding day, the birth of my children, and a positive health diagnosis for both my Father and my Daughter, yesterday was the best day of my life. 

A professional, intelligent, strategic, and trustworthy leader with integrity. The first woman VP in the history of our country. The most diverse administration in the history of our country. A new day has come, and I'm here for it. 100% present for it. 


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