Ten Ways to get to 100 Days

Today is my 100th day without alcohol! I have never made it this long (without being pregnant), since I was a teenager. Most of the time it is not difficult. Occasionally, there are times when I really miss an IPA, a glass of Sauvignon Blanc, or a margarita (cucumber or jalepeno infused). It never fails (so far) that when I have a moment of temptation or longing, not long after I'm reminded why I've made this choice. Seeing others plan on having one or two, having a lot more than that, and not feeling well for a day or two after, is a powerful reinforcer. 

When I set out to take this break, I wasn't planning on 100 days. So how did I get here? Here's a very specific "how to" list that has worked for me so far: 

1)  Plan to take a month off from drinking. It's helpful if that month is during a pandemic when social gatherings are discouraged. 

2) Read/listen to as much Quit Lit as possible. 

3) Follow sober accounts on Instagram. 

4) Join the "Stop Drinking" sub-group on Reddit. 

5) Realize from the above resources that one month barely scratches the surface in terms of the cumulative benefits of not drinking. 

6) Write about your experience (journal/blog). 

7) Identify your favorite alcohol free beverages (mine include: La Croix, Bubly, coffee, tea).

8) Identify your favorite alcohol free activities (mine include: snuggling with my family, reading, bubble baths, walking/exercise, the occasional movie or show, enjoying my husband's new recipes, a little online shopping, de-cluttering/organizing, and vacation planning). 

9) Go on a job search - it is all consuming!

10) Start a new job that you are really excited about! You will want to be your very best at work every day, and give your family your best during your time off. 

I am celebrating my 100 days by ordering a little something off of Etsy, enjoying the snow that we maybe get once a year if we are lucky, enjoying a new recipe that my husband is excited to make, finishing a book that I'm ready to be done with, and maybe starting a new Netflix series. 



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