Something Magical
I was listening to what I think will be my very favorite Quit Lit book (more on that when I finish). The author was agonizing over how she was going to tell people that she's not drinking. People asked how long she would be abstaining, surely not forever?
All of those conversations were really emotional and exhausting for the author, as they were for me not long ago. It occurred to me tonight, that I'm not worried at all anymore about telling people that I quit drinking. The thought used to torture me (because it was so sad and embarrassing), and now it's no longer a big deal.
It's as if at day 68...something magical happened. Or, the magic was the stringing together of those 68 days. I'm also not anxious about having the conversation of why or how long. Why? It's not for me anymore. I feel better without alcohol. How long? Probably forever.
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