Alcohol Isn't The Only Thing I Gave Up


I haven't had alcohol for 33 days. I haven't been on facebook in 30 days. I know that I would not have felt so positive, calm and hopeful during these past 33 days, if I were still on facebook. 

Facebook gives me anxiety and negative feelings, not to mention it is a time-suck. I was unfollowing people left-and-right, because I really wanted to like/love them, and didn't want to hear their thoughts and opinions about things I otherwise wouldn't have heard. I have no doubt that I was unfollowed as well! I certainly used that platform to share my beliefs, values and to advocate for social justice issues. 

Instagram (which I know is owned by facebook), is a much happier and peaceful place for me. I feel a lot more in control of the content that I see. I rarely have icky feelings when I am on Instagram, or after I leave that app.

I'm really trying to look at things/people/relationships in my life and ask myself "Does this add value to my life?" I knew alcohol wasn't adding real value, hence the break. I knew facebook was giving me negative feelings, multiple times a day. The longer I go without drinking, the more I will be able to clearly assess what/who really does add value to my life. 


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