Cat's Out of the Bag

Up until yesterday, this blog was my little secret project. I didn't want to share it with anyone out of fear that my break from drinking might end up being temporary - like my breaks have always been. I also wanted to be confident that this blog will be an ongoing project. What really matters though is that I am doing both now, I don't like secrets, and I'm darn proud of both.

I shared the blog with my husband, who probably wondered why I have had my laptop out a lot more lately. He responded favorably of course. It wasn't a big deal, because he already knows I haven't been drinking. I also sent the link to my parents and Mother-in-Law. That IS a big deal. While I've talked about these things with my husband and friends countless times...never with the parents. 

I wanted this news and this blog to be a Christmas present for my parents, but the kid in me couldn't wait any longer for them to open their gift. My Mom is out of state currently, and hasn't had a chance to see it yet. I like to spread out the gift giving fun anyway! My Dad said that he was very impressed, that he loved it, and he thanked me. My Dad doesn't say that he loves anything (except his family members). For example, he used to go to the movies somewhat regularly. Every time I asked him how the movie was, he'd reply "It was OK." Perhaps his experience always being just "OK" is why he doesn't go anymore (pre-pandemic)! For him to say that he loves something is a big deal. Yay! My MIL had many great things to say about my news and the blog. My favorite was "Enjoy your freedom." Whoa - profound. I'll be stewing on that one a lot more. 

All day and evening yesterday, I felt great about sharing my news. What a relief! And then in bed last night I had the "Oh shit, what did I do?!" feeling. But, that's how major life-changes and identity changes go. Alcohol was part of my identity. You are either a drinker or a non-drinker. I know it will be a roller-coaster of emotions for a long time. If the last 45 days have been a realistic glimpse, most of the time I will feel great, proud, and confident in my decision. However, there will also be dips of uncertainty, sadness (memories & experiences), discomfort and grumpiness. I remind myself that all of those feelings are part of the human condition, and part of being alive. I want to be alive for a long time, and I don't want to waste any of that time on regrets/shame of the alcohol variety. I know that there will be days/nights/occasions that I really want to drink, and I will feel left out. However, I will never wake up in the morning regretting not drinking the day/night before. I saw a quote last night on instagram that said "If one is never enough, have none." And that is true - although I can, I never want just one or two - what's the point (laughs at myself)?!

Writing has always been my preferred way to process my thoughts and feelings. When I write, things are revealed to me or become more clear to me. I don't know that anybody will ever read this blog other than my family and friends, but it has become one of my favorite parts of my day (not that I will feel pressure, or is it realistic to write every day). In addition to writing being both a hobby, and a tremendous life coping skill for me, I think about being able to share this with my kids someday. I also think about being able to share this with someone who is starting to feel like alcohol isn't adding value to their life, but that thought feels too big. I really don't know if I would have done this, or if it would have felt doable if my friend hadn't done it first. A friend that I used to love drinking with. A friend who I saw take breaks, set rules and try again...until she had decided that her life would be better (eventually) without alcohol. Two years later, she knows that she was right and she has no regrets.

So, the cat's out of the bag and on we go!


  1. Good for you for sharing this, especially with your parents and in laws! Merry Christmas!

  2. So profoundly happy and excited for you. Staying true to yourself and acknowledging the raw you and showing this to your loved ones is such a brave and monumental step in your life.

    1. Thank you! It seems so long ago now. So much is happening emotionally and physically in the early days. A month ago feels like a year ago!

    2. Oh I love this post for so many reasons. Good for you for putting it out there. As a new blogger, I haven't done that yet. I come from a family where alcohol is part of connecting...the whole cocktail hour thing. Funny as secrets have been part of my family of origin and something I've worked so hard to change in my adult life. I'm the person that usually brings up the tough thing. But sharing the blog. A part of me quivers in fear. I did tell my parents at Christmas that I wasn't drinking, that I found myself turning to it this year in ways I didn't like, and that I felt better without it. I think I fear the FOREVER word and not being public with the blog is like a way of not fully committing to non-drinker world. Boy that's an honest statement. Well, I've just dumped all over your post. Please keep writing. I'm glad I've found you.

    3. It was uncomfortable telling them and it still is. I also think it's possible that I might have caved by now had I not ripped the bandaid and told my parents and mother-in-law. My Dad quit for us, and I'm happy he gets to see me do the same. Now that my daughter knows too, I see this as more of a forever thing than a break. But I know how scary/big/sad the forever concept can be.

    4. I get that. What a gift --the connection with your Dad and then how you're modeling for your daughter.

  3. I discovered your blog today as I am on day 3 of not drinking and been looking up blogs and facebook groups to help me along the way. I've been blogging for years but I'm not sure that I will write about my not drinking, at least not yet anyway. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.

    1. Hi Emma! Congrats on day 3!!! I'm glad you found me:-). Hopefully my posts help you pass the time while you continue to add more days. It was/is so helpful for me to read other people's stories. If you do start writing about your story - please let me know! Sober Seeker (commented above) is a great one to follow also! Keep going!


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