It's the Little Things
I have no problem rewarding myself for a job well done. I also really appreciate having pretty reminders of what my goals are, and how I want to live my life. This is where Etsy comes in! If you search for "sober jewelry," you'll find all kinds of pretty and customizable pieces! I may have ordered four. Two have arrived so far and I love them!
The other little joy in my life is checking my sober app each morning. I have enjoyed watching the number of days increase. I was so excited yesterday when it said one month. Even more excited today when it shows: 0 years 1 month and 1 day!
I know there are going to be days/nights/occasions when my cravings for alcohol (or the experience of alcohol), are not going to be easily conquered by jewelry or phone apps. I just like to think that they give me extra power/strength to really see what sober life has to offer.
I haven't set a first goal yet. Forever sounds too big right now. I have done some miserable 30 and 60 day stints before, where I was in a different mind-set than I am now. I of course did two nine-month stints when pregnant - not at all difficult (I wanted to be pregnant more than anything in the world). I then moderated pretty easily to be able to breastfeed (my favorite thing I have ever done).
With this new mind-set, where most of the time it is not difficult to not drink, and most of the time it is not sad to imagine not ever drinking...I want to really give this a shot. I haven't landed on a first goal yet, but the benchmarks that swirl around in my head include the following: 90 days, 100 days, my birthday (five months), 6 months, 9 months, and one-year. I'm not saying that I will start drinking again after I reach that first goal, but I like the idea of telling myself that it is not an option until that point, and we can reevaluate at the benchmark of my choosing. I do love the idea of celebrating my 40th birthday, having been sober for one-year and five-months.
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