Monday Morning Pride


I think a lot of people have a phrase for the feeling that they have when the weekend is over. We call it "Sunday Night Sadness." In the past, Hubby and I would brighten up Sunday nights with wine and HGTV shows. This would lead to "Monday Morning Sadness." I can't believe I've already gotten through five weekends without alcohol. It's becoming the new norm, and getting easier each time. I still had "Sunday Night Sadness" last night. Instead of drinking about it, we still watched our HGTV shows, but I had a sparkling water and a good book in my hands at the same time. I woke up today like I have over the last five Mondays - feeling proud.

I'm also proud of my husband. I shared that he had his IPA and red wine on Friday night. Normally, he/we would have gotten more for Saturday night and Sunday football games. He hasn't had any since Friday night. While I'm focused on me and my goals, and I don't care if people drink around's been nice having a sober buddy!


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