Quit Lit
I listened to her read her own book on Audible. That's how I consume all of my quit lit, while out walking my dog. Her adorable Australian accent and charming personality makes me want to squeeze her! She was so cute that for the first half of the book, she reminded me of adorable young Shirley Temple. In the second half, I would get glimpses of Jessica Simpson (whom I also adore!).
While on a natural high after finishing her book, I drove past a local brewery where people were outside enjoying their beers yesterday. The thought creeped in about how sad it is that I won't do that again. That particular brewery even has the best GF beer that I had found. Later last night, we were watching our island house hunting shows in bed. I felt sad thinking that I won't enjoy a glass of sauvignon blanc with my husband ever again. I had to remind myself that it wouldn't just stop at the beer or two (or three) at the brewery, or just one glass of wine with my husband. We would continue on, and I would be so mad at myself. The disappointment and other icky feelings, would be worse than the longing to be able to participate.
I haven't paid any money to join online sober communities, coaching or resources. However, after listening to Weller's book and learning about the Sexy Sobriety program that her and her husband created, that might be something that I invest in some day. Especially if I find post pandemic gathering difficult. One of the things that I love about what they have created, is the video interviews with sober and thriving women they have met and/or sought out.
The only downside about listening to these books while walking, is that I can't highlight or write down noteworthy takeaways. There were many I wanted to jot down. I might purchase a hard copy of her book and go to town with pretty highlighters and a journal. One tip that really stood out to me, was that two or three hours of socializing is enough and can be exhausting sober. Especially if you are an introvert. I don't need to feel guilty if I call it a night after two hours.
My second favorite quit lit book so far is The Sober Diaries by Clare Pooley. I could relate to her story in many ways, especially as a Mom. She takes you through almost every day of her first year sober. I'll listen to that one again too. I remember it being early days for me, and thinking how cool it would be to go back and listen again when I have months under my belt. Her accent is also lovely and she is very funny.
I read The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober during one of my alcohol breaks a couple of years ago. I know that a lot of people really like that book. I don't think that I was in the right head space for it at the time. My thoughts were "That's great for other people that they can do it and have a better life, but that doesn't work for me/my life/my friends/my marriage. We all drink." I suspect that I would enjoy that book a lot more now, and have a better attitude - LOL.
Rebecca Weller has a second book out that I will be buying with my next Audible credit. Clare Pooley just made the New York Time's Best Seller List with her first fiction novel. This bodes well for their claims that once you quit drinking, you have a lot more time for other passions.
The Sober Diaries was the very first quit lit book I read and started my journey to sobriety. It's still one of my favourites. I'm currently reading Mrs D is Going Without - another Aussie to listen to - I can highly recommend. I tried Audible but kept falling asleep and forgetting where I was! Reality is that I'm an old fashioned girl and I love a proper paper book to curl up with.
ReplyDeleteI liked Mrs. D too! I mostly only listen to Audible when I'm out walking my dog. If I'm REALLY into it or close to the end, I'll put my ear buds in while I'm doing the dishes or folding laundry.
DeleteI've just added The Sober Diaries to my wish list. I have just read The Accidental Soberista by Kate Gunn which came out last week, it was this that inspired me to stop drinking for 30 days (to start with!) I'd really recommend it, it is the only quit lit book I've read so far but it totally changed the way I have thought about alcohol my whole life.
ReplyDeleteI love learning about the books that really inspired people to begin their day one! Two memoirs that also really inspired me (before I was ready to actually quit) were Jessica Simpson's Open Book, and Demi Moore's Inside Out.