FIVE Months!!!


Reaching five months seemed pretty far fetched last fall...but here I am! When I've felt tempted/longing (hotel last weekend, driving past outdoor bars and restaurants on a sunny day), I can immediately remind myself why I'm doing this. For example:

1) Yes it looks fun and it always starts out fun. However, the cons outweigh the pros and I'd regret it. 

2) I don't want to start back at day one. Even though I don't really believe anybody goes back to the beginning. You take with you all that you learned and discovered along the way.

3) I love feeling good emotionally and physically.

4) Showing my kids a different way to relax, celebrate and cope. 

5) I love having more money to spend on things that make me feel good. 

I know that there is so much more to discover about myself. There is so much more potential to unlock with this forward momentum. Better late than never!


  1. Great list. I hear you about going back to day 1. (I don't believe it but I don't want to go back to the struggle of day 1.). And it is awesome to think about time and money saved and improved health, isn't it?


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