200 Days!


I just looked at my counter and it said 200 days! I think this is the first milestone that I wasn't waiting/watching for. The days are stringing together. I'm starting to forget that being sober this long without a baby in me is a big deal. Fortunately, I got to celebrate by opening up some jewelry from Etsy that came in the mail today. New things for the new me make me happy:-). 

I started watching Demi Lovato's Dancing with the Devil last weekend. I got three episodes in and decided to stop. I wanted to wait to start it over with my husband. I've followed Demi for a long time. l've always liked her music and loved her voice. Yet, I was mostly following her recovery story from eating disorders and substances. 

Three episodes deep in her docuseries and I love her even more. She is so brave to be that vulnerable and raw in the hopes of letting others know that they are not alone in their struggles. Surely she is sharing in part for her own healing of course, but she is also helping to shine a light on things that people would rather not see. I can't wait to watch the rest of it with the hubby. 

My husband has done the last 65/200 days with me. That is fairytale level bliss. Want to learn a ton about each other, your relationship, and add some novelty and excitement to your marriage? Try removing the #1 crutch you have both used for decades! There is so much to explore and discover. 


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