SIX Whole Months!!!

Six months without alcohol. ME. The one who loved wine, IPA, and the occasional cocktail. The one who started drinking WAY too young. The one who thought it would be impossible to quit drinking because her husband drinks, her friends drink, and it's a part of every gathering, holiday and celebration. 

I didn't know how to NOT drink with these people, or on these occasions. Now I do. Now my husband hasn't had a drink in almost seven weeks. Now we hang out with our friends without drinking.

I like that I'm getting to know myself better. I am authentically me at all times. I like who I am and my own company. I love setting boundaries guilt-free, and not doing things just because other people want me to. 

I love that I'm back to working full-time in a brand new career, while also getting to be the kind of Mom I want to be. I love that my husband and I laugh just as hard sober as we ever did when we were drinking. I LOVE that we go to bed together and wake up together (MUCH earlier). I love that we support each other in making time to do the things that we enjoy individually. 

I set out to take a month off. I'm SO glad that I kept going!


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