Good News
It is difficult to describe the fear and dread of knowing that you have to be the one to support your family through something like this. You have to help your parents process and move forward with whatever news is received. I was literally sick and doing my best to breathe. I walked into their house strong, confident, positive, and ready to catch and hold my parents.
My Dad was still able to sit in his chair at this point. He signed into his laptop, opened up the video link, and conducted his own appointment. We were told that the scan showed that the treatment was working. The mass had increased but the cancerous activity had decreased. The mass increasing had to do with dead scar tissue. We could now resume treatment that we know is effective, as his lung condition had cleared. My Dad asked what would we do it if the treatment didn't continue to work. His Oncologist assured us that there was a Plan B for a different treatment we could try.
Our family and friends were able to breathe easier, and have a renewed sense of hope.
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